It truly doesn't matter which of them goes. -- "It'll stop seeming like a death to you after a while. The morality you've been brought up with equates...the loss of a body with death, but that's not true in these cases. It's all about minds, and they're easy to duplicate. There are two Donna's with identical minds, so it doesn't matter which one is considered surplus. You can't tell whether I'm the original mind for this dimension, you don't know how many times I've been copied, and how many. " Gran offered me advice on posture and how to walk like a girl. It wasawkward at first, but the more I listened and practiced, the morenatural it became. After awhile, I began to realize that it wasn't justclothes that made the girl, but mannerisms, posture, and tone of voice. It was hard work, and my concentration was constantly broken my the feelof nylon sliding against my bottom, chest, and legs. But Gran was verygentle in her advice, and I was a willing student. While helping herdry. All the timeThe driver saw this in the mirror and he massaged his rock hard dick vigorously causing his neighbor man to turn around and watch my mom’s assests.He licked his lips at the sight of my mom’s tits and imagined what it would feel like to squeeze those tits and suck the hardening nipples.They looked at each other and nodded in silent agreement, it was now or never. The driver swung the car into a deserted lane off the main road and slowed to a halt behind a parked bus. Due to this we. The Mauro family had a big slice of the drug, prostitution and racketeering in Miami and the surrounding area. Their rivals however were just as powerful and Tony knew it was because of that fact he was in big trouble. An altercation in a bar had turned ugly when he had made a pass at the woman of an out of town gangster.Tony's fragile temper had flared up when the man confronted and disrespected him and his fist had hit the other man squarely on his chin. Unfortunately the man's head had hit a.
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