I wondered how he could hold back so long. —Imagine, all this time he retained his load! He with-held his pleasure for a time that seemed like a hal...hour ... it might have been longer. One never knowsIIhow much time passes when one is engaged in afrantically emotional jazz.His face glowed with a handsome pallor as hewatched his tool appear and disappear into thedepths of my come-soaked slit. He gloated over thespicy picture of us in the nearby mirror.It was maddening. After being engaged in. They fluttered their eyelashes at him trying to entice him. Their peachy bottoms, framed by stockings and suspenders, looked enticing enough. Barbie wore pale blue to match her eyes. Cindy wore pale green to match her hazel eyes, and had chestnut hair. Bubbles had jet black hair, dark alluring eyes and wore black. Her perky personality lightened the ensemble otherwise she would have looked too serious, and sophisticated. Candy of course wore pink. They all had long hair. Barbie’s hair flowed. The combination of the ice tea and her mouth around my dick almost caused me to cum on the spot. She pulled back enough for Ellen to dive onto my penis and the change caused me to shoot almost immediately. I didn't notice that Ellen was drinking coffee and the change is what pushed me over the edge. What a way to go. I was in seventh heaven.As I reclined on the lounge, I took in my situation. I had a loving sub to attend to every one of my needs regardless of kink. We had a talented lady as a. "No not yet, it feels like everyone just wanna get in my pants, and I'm not ready for that yet" Wait wait wait, you haven't been in a relationship with ANYONE?" He looked shocked."What's the big deal" Well, it's surprising since you've got bigger now and you've gotten kinda good looking now if I can be honest with you" Oh shut up, you're just drunk" Inside my body I felt a deep heat just as he said that. I've never seen myself as good looking, many other girls have bigger boobs or a more curvy.
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