Die Hitze war jetzt am größten, im Garten war niemand zu sehen, also ging ich durch ins Haus. Die Tür war nicht verschlossen und da man die Rouleau... geschlossen hatte, herrschte im Inneren angenehme Kühle und ein Dämmerlicht. In der Küche Niemand, komisch, alles offen aber niemand zu sehen. Ich ging erstmal zum Kühlschrank um etwas zu trinken, gerade als ich mir etwas einschenkte hörte ich ein Geräusch von oben. Neugierig, steckte ich meinen Konpf in den Flur, eindeutig: es war das Stöhnen. "Let me measure you."Jen sat in the chair. She was dressed in a dark skirt and matching jacket. Under the jacket she wore a silk blouse. She looked like a business woman who was shopping for new shoes after work. The store was empty except for Jen and the salesman.Jen slipped off her heels and placed her foot on the measuring scale. The young salesman measured her foot, and asked her to put her other foot on the scale. As Jen raised her foot, her toes brushed against the young man's hand. The. He pulled his cock out until only his cockhead was left inside Gail's aching asshole. Then, with a little yelp, he fucked his prick back into her as hard as he could.Gail stroked her asscheeks a few times, still clutching them in both hands. Then, she let them snap closed around Scotty's cock, knowing that the stiff dog-prick would keep them open for his fucking movements."God, Scotty. It's soooo goood! Like always... sooooo good," the teenager groaned. A red-hot pain throbbed and burned deep. I guess that shouldn't have surprised me, but I'd discovered one more neat thing about her.Dennis had already thrown in the towel. He laughed, threw his hands up in the air, and started to walk away, as a similarly laughing Mayra tried to direct him back toward the dance floor.There were very few Anglo males in attendance. And there was only one left on the dance floor. It made me quite the novelty, apparently. All of a sudden, several women approached Inez, wanting to switch off with her. Inez.
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